"American Girl" Doll Petition Still Needs Signatures

I first saw Melissa Shang's Change.org petition to add a disabled “American Girl” doll back in late December. I checked in again in January, at which point the petition needed 26,000 more signatures to reach its goal. As of today, it still needs about 7,300 more.

As far as I can tell, Mattel, the “American Girl” brand’s manufacturer hasn’t committed to adding a disabled doll to its collection, although a spokesperson praised Melissa’s efforts.

I’m sure they get tons of very specific requests, since the whole point of the “American Girl” collection is to represent American girls of all kinds, from all walks of life. For that same reason, though, I don’t understand why they haven’t been more decisive about it. Maybe when Melissa’s petition reaches its 150,000 signature goal they’ll use the occasion to make an announcement.

A Fine Turn Of The Phrase

Blue quotation marks icon
I don’t know why, but I just really love this description:
"Do you know the feeling of when it is like every step is wading through treacle? You don't need a physical disability to know how that feels. Combine that with a left leg acting like a bung shopping trolley wheel and a left arm that is twisted like a pretzel and it really is a pretty picture.”
She Types Things - April 30, 2014

Photo Of The Day

Self-taken photo of person's feet in dusty black boots, with end of multicolored cane between them

From the Tattered Obsidian Tumblr blog, via Wheelie Wifee.

I highly recommend reading what the Tattered Obsidian blogger has to say about this photo. It relates to the post I'm working on about "loving" or appreciating our disability-related devices, rather than hating or merely tolerating them.