Friday, December 18, 2015

Disability Blogger Link-Up

The word Blog surrounded by word cloudTake a moment off from the holidays and post something you’ve written or read about disability. It’s the last Disability Blogger Link-Up of 2015. Let’s make it great!

To make the links easier to browse, in the “Your name” blank, please type the title of the article you are posting. In the "Your URL" blank, paste the URL address of the item. Like this:

Name = Title of your article.
Your URL = Link to your article.

Then click the "Enter" button. That's it!

A note about multiple posts:

If you have more than one item you want to post, please feel free. However, since I plan to keep doing these linkups every other weekend, indefinitely, you might want to post one or maybe two in one week, and save other items for later linkups. In other words, if you blog a lot, don’t blow all your best stuff on one linkup!

Go ahead and post, read, and enjoy! This Link-Up will close at Midnight Eastern on Sunday. The next  Disability Blogger Link-Up will start Friday, New Year’s Day, 2016.

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